Figurativeness and Lobbying




lobbying, discourse, persuasion, figurative language


This article discusses the analysis of argumentative persuasion and figurative language in a discourse related to lobbying. To be convincing to their interlocutors, lobbying uses linguistic techniques to serve their interests. For its part, public opinion uses these same language techniques to denounce lobbying activities. These language techniques include persuasion and figurative language. They aim to gild, criticise, or tone down the discourse, depending on the issuer’s perspective. This also makes it possible to characterise, on the one hand, the social culture of a specific geographical area and, on the other hand, the role of the lobby in this society as well as the public image that it reflects. It is in this perspective of argumentativeness that the article offers a report of these discursive strategies through scientific and media writings, such as blogs and dedicated websites on lobbying.


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Author Biography

Cécile Marchal, Université Jaume I

diplômée en Lettres Modernes, spécialité Français par l’Université de Valencia, est actuellement doctorante internationale en Linguistique appliquée à l’Université de Jaume I (Castellón) et à l’IMT Atlantique (Brest). Ses lignes de recherches s’orientent vers l’analyse de la perception des lobbies dans la société occidentale actuelle et comment celle-ci les perçoit-elle à travers les discours politiques et médiatiques.


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2023-10-30 — Updated on 2024-01-16


How to Cite

Marchal, C. (2024). Figurativeness and Lobbying. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, 18, 45–54. (Original work published October 30, 2023)




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