The Argumentative Function of the doxa in the Discourse on the Macron Couple




stereotype, doxa, argumentation in discourse, stigmatization, relationship


By analyzing a variety of samples of the digital discourse on the French presidential couple, the aim of this article is to determine how certain stereotypes concerning intergenerational love are invoked in order to argue against the policy of Emmanuel Macron. Couples with a significant age difference in favor of women violate current doxa, because the relationship where the man is older is “normal” or “imaginable”. The Macrons are thus stigmatized and become the target of discriminatory discourse which mainly attacks the president’s wife because of her age and physical appearance. The thesis is that the mentioned stereotypes are mobilized for ad personam argumentation which aims to discredit the President of the Republic. The “anti-doxic” character of his relationship with Brigitte, put in the foreground by his antagonists, acts as an instrument of delegitimization of his person and, in the process, of his policy. In the analyzed case, the ad personam argumentation is carried out in a very peculiar way that one could call ad hoc an “ad coniugem” argumentation.


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Konowska, Université de Łódź

Agnieszka Konowska – maître de conférences à l’Institut d’Études romanes de l’Université de Łódź (Pologne), docteur en sciences humaines (spécialité : linguistique). Auteur et co-rédacteur de quatre monographies et d’une trentaine d’articles scientifiques. Ses principaux domaines d’intérêt scientifique sont la pragmatique linguistique, l’analyse argumentative du discours et la stéréotypie discursive. Ses recherches actuelles portent principalement sur le fonctionnement argumentatif des noms propres dans le discours.


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How to Cite

Konowska, A. (2021). The Argumentative Function of the doxa in the Discourse on the Macron Couple. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (16), 161–171.