Zastosowanie reguł konwersacyjnych Paula Grice’a w komunikowaniu politycznym – analiza porównawcza exposé Donalda Tuska i Beaty Szydło
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
political communication, conversational implicature, exposé, discourseAbstrakt
The author undertakes a comparative analysis of text of the first speech as Prime Minister by Donald Tusk, on 18 November 2011, as well as by Beata Szydło, on 18 November 2015. The Prime Minister’s exposé is a form of political communication. The aim of the research paper is to examine how the communication theory of the British philosopher of language Paul Grice, in particular how the so-called cooperative principle he developed could be used in evaluating the quality of a political statement and the intentions behind it. The author also refers to so-called implicature and the above-mentioned cooperative principle.
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