Poetic landscapes of Wilhelm Przeczek
poetry, Wilhelm Przeczek, traveling, house, home, identity, borderland, Polish literature, Polish national minority, Czech Cieszyn SilesiaAbstract
Wilhelm Przeczek is a Polish writer who has lived in Karviná, the Czech Republic, since he was born in 1936. He is a member of a Polish minority and he has aimed his literary output at its members and at readers in Poland. Translations into the Czech language are aimed at readers in the Czech Republic. Having made a protest against the intervention of the Warsaw Pact armies into Czechoslovakia in August 1968, W. Przeczek was not allowed to publish and he was dismissed – he had worked as an editor of a Polish paper “Głos Ludu”. In 1970–1977 he worked as an actor, stage director, and dramatic advisor of a puppet show theatre Bajka in Český Těšín, the Czech Republic.
In his article, the author deals with poems by W. Przeczek’s on the subject of journeys about Europe. The starting point is local, but a global result.
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