Henryk Sienkiewicz’s output and literary censorship in the DDR


  • Marek Rajch Ph.D. hab., Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Institute of German Studies, Department of Polish-German Literary Relations https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0194-8699




literary censorship, Polish literature, cultural policy, the DDR


Works by Henryk Sienkiewicz, a Polish writer and the winner of the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature, were subjected to verification by the DDR’s censorship apparatus several times. Censors considered his novellas which discussed 19th-century social issues as desirable and worth promoting among East German readers. His novel Krzyżacy, which was set in the Middle Ages, was accepted eagerly both by publishing houses and the censorship office as it enabled national socialism in Germany to be viewed in critical terms, as the DDR distanced itself from the system. Reviewers did, however, find a major ideological threat for young readers in East Germany in a young adult novel entitled W pustyni i w puszczy, and for that reason it was withdrawn from the publishing procedure.


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Author Biography

Marek Rajch, Ph.D. hab., Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Institute of German Studies, Department of Polish-German Literary Relations

Marek Rajch – Ph.D. hab., professor of UAM, employee of the Department of Polish-German Literary Relations, Institute of German Philology, University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Scope of scientific interests: history of German-language literature, literature and politics, literary censorship in Germany and Poland, German theater in Poland, Polish-German relations. He published, among others: Cenzura pruska w Wielkopolsce w latach 1848–1918 (2004), “Unsere andersartige Kulturpolitik”. Zensur und Literatur in der DDR and in der Volksrepublik Polen (2015).


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How to Cite

Rajch, M. (2020). Henryk Sienkiewicz’s output and literary censorship in the DDR. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 58(3), 421–434. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.58.22