Zionists and ‘Polish Jews’. Palestinian Reception of ‘We, Polish Jews’


  • Michał Sobelman Israeli Embassy in Poland’s Spokesperson




Julian Tuwim, reception in Israel, Jewish identity


The article discusses the reception of Tuwim’s manifesto in Israel, focusing in particular on the 1940s. The author analyses various critical reponses to the poem expressed by Jewish critics in Palestine. Tuwim’s reception in Israel is presented from a new perspective which has not been explore so far.


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How to Cite

Sobelman, M. (2017). Zionists and ‘Polish Jews’. Palestinian Reception of ‘We, Polish Jews’. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 36(6), 99–109. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.36.07