Stanisław Grzesiuk in the arms of censorship
Stanisław Grzesiuk, Warsaw, concentration camp, Czerniaków, tuberculosis, editing, manuscripts, text criticism, Five years of a camp, censorship, self-censorshipAbstract
The article presents issues related to the publishing fate of the entire literary output of Stanisław Grzesiuk. It consists of three autobiographical novels: Pięć lat kacetu [Five years of a camp], Boso, ale w ostrogach [Barefoot, but in spurs] and Na marginesie życia [On the Margins of Life]. The editions that were published during the writer’s lifetime were subjected to various types of interference. The most important factor that influenced the final form of the text was institutional censorship. In addition, the author changed his works under the pressure of the publisher, the family and as part of the implementation of the court settlement. The editors of the new edition of Grzesiuk’s works, which was published in 2018 by the Pruszyński i S-ka publishing house, made an attempt to reconstruct texts from before non-author’s changes. The comparison of these editions with the first editions and manuscripts proves that the publishing house has made many incomprehensible decisions that may have an impact on the incorrect reception of the author’s message.
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