Traces of improvisation in "Jedyne wyjście" by Witkacy




modernism in Polish literature, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, improvisation in the novel, "Jedyne wyjście" by S.I. Witkiewicz


In the article I have analysed the concept of improvisation recorded in Jedyne wyjście by Witkacy. He described the notion as unconstrained variation-based creation flowing from an inspired vision. Witkacy considered vision as the most fundamental source element of artistic theory and creative practice. I have also analysed the traces of improvisation in the manuscript of Jedyne wyjście and I have discussed the play between amplifications and visions recorded in the improvised fragments.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Bocheński, University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Polish Philology and Speech-Language Therapy, Department of the Literature of the Polish 20th and 21st, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź

Tomasz Bocheński – literary scholar, essayist, and literary and theatre critic. Professor of the University of Lodz. In his studies he focusses on the works of Polish dissidents of modernism, e.g., Witkacy, Schulz, Gombrowicz, Leśmian, Mrożek, and Myśliwski. His published works include Czarny humor w twórczości Witkacego, Gombrowicza, Schulza. Lata trzydzieste (2005); Witkacy i reszta świata (2010); Tango bez Edka. Eseje o literaturze współczesnej (2018); Myśliwski-Bocheński. Rozmowy istotne (2011).


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How to Cite

Bocheński, T. (2022). Traces of improvisation in "Jedyne wyjście" by Witkacy. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 64(1), 171–193.