Orthography beyond belief. A case of Stanisław Baczyński





editing, atheism, religion, vocabulary, orthography, spelling


The article deals with the use of majuscule in religious terms in the context of editing the unfinished typescript of Stanisław Baczyński’s Propozycje. Nowa kultura – nowa cywilizacja. The author spelled the words such as Kościoł (as an institution, a population of worshippers), Boży, Chrystusowy (as possessive adjectives) inconsistently – once in uppercase, once in lowercase (the latter more frequently). The author of the article (and the editor of Baczyński’s work) analyzes orthographic norms, both present ones and those contemporary with Baczyński, and on this basis decides to leave unchanged the spelling inconsistencies in religion-related words. These inconsistencies are considered a result of the clash between the atheist worldview and the repressive function of orthography, and at the same time a proof of the author’s linguistic struggle, telling a lot not only about the creative process, but also about the idea of the work.


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Author Biography

Anna Szawerna-Dyrszka, University of Silesia, the Faculty of Humanities, the Institute of Literary Studies, ul. Uniwersytecka 4, 40-103 Katowice

Anna Szawerna-Dyrszka – literary scholar, Polish philologist, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Silesia in Katowice. The author of the monographs: Doświadczanie czasu. O poezji Wacława Iwaniuka [Experiencing the time. On Wacław Iwaniuk’s poetry] (Katowice 2000); Śmiech katastrofisty. Teodor Bujnicki w kręgu Żagarow [A catastrophist’s laugh. Teodor Bujnicki in Żagary] (Katowice 2007); Bliższe i dalsze okolice Miłosza. Szkice [Miłosz’s close and distant environment. Essays] (Katowice 2011). The editor of the works by Teodor Bujnicki (Liryki w wileńskim pejzażu [Lyrics in Vilnius landscape], Katowice 2010) and Stanisław Baczyński (Propozycje. Nowa kultura nowa cywilizacja [Proposals. New culture – new civilization], Katowice 2021).


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How to Cite

Szawerna-Dyrszka, A. (2022). Orthography beyond belief. A case of Stanisław Baczyński. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 64(1), 355–367. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.64.13