Coronation medals of August II Wettin in confrontation with contemporary works of pictorial and graphical art and with the medallist heritage of Jan III Sobieski. Iconographic remarks




medal, obverse, reverse, August II Wettin, coronation


The author describes sixteen examples of works of medal-making, painting, graphic and sculptural art related to the title medals. As the author shows, the aim of the medals described in the article was to justify the rights of the former Saxon elector to the Polish throne. The recipient, after even a cursory glance With the presented medal material, he could prove himself convinced of the excellent origin of August II and his ancestors (e.g. the medal, dated 1697 and signed on the obverse: C. W. [Christian Wermuth?]), the numerous qualities of the reigning Hercules (e.g. the medal by Georg Hautsch from 1697) or the heraldic connections between the Wettyn coat of arms and official emblems of the Crown and Lithuania (e.g. an unsigned medal from 1697). The author also distinguished and analysed in detail medals of heraldic, mythological-alegoric, emblematic and genealogical character. He also explained the reasons why in the preserved medallic legacy of Augustus II the medals on which the Saxon ruler was perpetuated prevailed in Western European costume, and not – as in the case of medal-making works carried out at the order of the Sobieski royal court – in the dress modelled on antiquity.


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How to Cite

Rokita, J. G. (2020). Coronation medals of August II Wettin in confrontation with contemporary works of pictorial and graphical art and with the medallist heritage of Jan III Sobieski. Iconographic remarks. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 19(2), 31–69.


