The University of Lodz Institute of History in the realities of the Polish Peoples Republic. Chosen questions




University of Lodz, Institute of History, Polish historians, students in Poland


Historical Institute (IH) of University of Lodz was established on 24 June 1948. The first years of its activity took place during the Stalinism period. The stuff and students were subjected to propaganda and were engaged in different political actions. Researches and didactics were imposed into methodology of Marxism-Leninism. The students of IH articulated their objection towards such practices in 1956 and therefore in next years, took place many positive changes. One of them was the possibility of making trips to archives and libraries in western countries. Unfortunately, in 1968 the Institute experienced many political upheavals. The consequences of anti-Semitic campaign, which were then set off, was dismissal from work and emigrating from Poland of four employees of IH. During next years, functioning of the Institute and life of the students were subjected to strong political pressure again. Its expression were e.g. working- -class practices of first year students. The situation in the Institute changed only when in 1980 Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity” was created. The students and employees started to fight for their issues. The former ones took part in nearly month-long sit-down strike (January–February 1981). After the introduction of martial law two students were interned, besides the stuff and students were forbidden to conduct any independent activities. Some of them however got engaged in underground activity. The legal activity started again only in May 1988. In this time the students government on the IH was created. The students and employees joined into the transitions which took place in 1989. One of adjuncts became even the Member of Parliament (so-called contractual Parliament).


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How to Cite

Lesiakowski, K. (2019). The University of Lodz Institute of History in the realities of the Polish Peoples Republic. Chosen questions. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 18(1), 195–218.


