Charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents in the second half of the 19th century – the early 20th century




Orthodox church, Kyiv eparchy, monastery, convent, charity, almshouse, hospital, shelter


The article deals with charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. It shows that charitable activities of the Orthodox church reached its peak in the post-reform period. The charitable activities within the specified time frame lay in the provision of schools, hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, and hotels for the poor and pilgrims. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents a) distributed alms, organized free lunches, provided material and medical assistance, b) handled education issues by establishing parish schools, c) supported almshouses by aiding sick people, lonely elderly people, people with special needs, and the mentally ill. At the beginning of World War I, Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents became actively involved in the provision of assistance to the population, as well as the establishment and maintenance of shelters for children (orphans) of fallen soldiers. Such children were provided with proper care and timely medical assistance. Charitable institutions at the premises of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents operated at the expense of funds received from their economic activities, as well as donations from private individuals. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents  comprised the greatest number of hospitals and almshouses of all those operating in the territory of the then Kyiv Governorate.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Chuchalin, Państwowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Pawła Tychyny w Humaniu / Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Associate Prof. Oleksandr Chuchalin – Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian History of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Candidate of Historical Science (2018), Associate Professor (2019). Author of 36 publications, one monograph. Member of the Editorial Board of scientific journals: “Acta de Historia & Politica: Saeculum XXI”, “Consensus”. Member of the National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine.

Research interests: history of the Orthodox Church in Ukrainian lands, regional history of Ukraine, religious tourism in Ukraine, scientific biography.


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How to Cite

Chuchalin, O. (2023). Charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents in the second half of the 19th century – the early 20th century. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 21(2), 333–346.

