Assassination of the king of Sweden Gustav III in the light of Polish-language Warsaw press from 1792




Gustav III, Jacob Johan Anckarström, plot, assassination of the king, masquerade ball, Warsaw press, history of Sweden, 1792


In the article, the authors present issues related to the assassination of the Swedish king Gustav III at the masked ball at the Stockholm Opera on the night of March 16–17, 1792. The first part of the text briefly presents the figure and achievements of the king, who ruled in Sweden in the years 1771–1792. Gustav III went down in history as the author of two coups d’états – from 1772 and 1789. After the first, the “Age of Liberty” was completed in the history of Sweden. The second allowed the king to focus full power in his hands. In the last years of his life, the ruler of Sweden planned to organize a monarchist crusade against revolutionary France. His intentions were nullified by the coup of March 16, 1792. The second part of the article, based on reports from Warsaw press, presents the course of the attempt on the king’s life, the last moments of the ruler, his death and funeral ceremonies. The course of the investigation, trial and sentences for the king killers were also discussed. All in all, supplementing the press reports with findings of the literature on the subject, it was possible to obtain a relatively complete and not yet fully studied in Polish historical literature image of the issue indicated in the title.


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How to Cite

Anusik, Z., & Karkocha, M. (2019). Assassination of the king of Sweden Gustav III in the light of Polish-language Warsaw press from 1792. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 18(2), 57–83.




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