Role of sallow in the poetry of S. A. Jesienin
concept of sallow, poetic picture, plan symbolic, semanticsAbstract
In this article, the concept of sallow in the lyrics of Russian poet S. A. Jesienin on the background of artistic activity of his predecessors and present to him poets was analysed. The goal of this article is to define the role of sallow numerously represented in the Jesienin’s lyrics. Analysis was carried out on 13 examples and 29 symbols, characteristic for each poetic image of a separate plant. Symbols of sallow was elaborated in the following semantic fields: positive: senses, perception of the world (happiness, hope), human being (people – nuns, religious woman), things, places, orthodox holidays and negative: feelings (sadness, sorrow), fortuitous events (death) etc. The symbols of sallow reflect personal, internal experiences of the poet as well as the experiences connected with the changes in the political-social life in the country.
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