Responsibility as an Answer to Values




responsibility, duty, vocation, answering, philosophy, commitment, responder, responsum, imputare, sense


This article aims to explore the interdisciplinary concept of “responsibility”, delving into its philosophical and linguistic dimensions. A significant focus is placed on elucidating the essence of responsibility in human life, emphasizing its pivotal role in realizing values and discovering the meaning of existence. The work also traces the historical transformation of the concept from antiquity to modern times.

The author conducted an analysis of philosophical and linguistic scientific articles, consulted concept dictionaries, examined papal encyclicals, and drew insights from Victor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning. Additionally, the author explored the etymology of the word rooted in Roman law, providing a foundation for its evolution across eras. In antiquity, the concept primarily pertained to the judicial-legal sphere, while in Christianity, the notions of free will and the exercise of divine will gained prominence. The Enlightenment era introduced a distinction between order and will, forming the basis for 20th-century philosophical considerations, particularly in the realms of morality and ethics. The author juxtaposes their conclusions with Victor Frankl’s depiction of responsibility in concentration camp conditions, highlighting the challenges in unequivocally defining the concept.

This article contributes to the ongoing discourse on “responsibility” and serves as a springboard for further linguistic and literary research on the subject.


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2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-02-29


How to Cite

Kmieć, P. (2024). Responsibility as an Answer to Values. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (22), 163–170. (Original work published December 30, 2023)