Definite / indefinite and retrospective / prospective categories as representation of the image of the author in the story titled «Dear Shura» by T. Tolstaya


  • Марина Тригук Белорусский государственный педагогический университет имени М. Танка (Белоруссия)



«The image of the author», definite / indefinite categories, retrospective / prospective categories


The article deals with the «image of the author» considered as central semantic category in modern philology. Implicit character of this category in most cases makes interpretation difficult for readers. As central category of art text the «image of the author» interacts with different categories for example definite / indefinite and retrospective / prospective categories.

In the story «Dear Shura» by T. Tolstaya definite / indefinite categories typically represented by pronouns on the grammatical level create the «image of the author». The oppositions of definite and indefinite meanings show characteristics’ changings of the «image of the author» significant for the text sense. The retrospective category gives to the reader an opportunity to realize the repetitive semantic conceptual information as the most significant one from the author’s point of view. Perfect productive forms and their oppositions with other verbal forms make different characteristics of the «image of the author». Also adequate interpretation of the analysed art text is possible by prospective category represented by imperative verbal forms. Stylistically marked use of pronouns and verbal forms in the aspect of analysed categories as the identifying factor of the «image of the author» is pointed out.


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How to Cite

Тригук, М. (2015). Definite / indefinite and retrospective / prospective categories as representation of the image of the author in the story titled «Dear Shura» by T. Tolstaya. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (11), 149–157.