Rhizome as the principle of organization of precedent phenomena and linguistic and cultural concepts


  • Татьяна Чалыкова Шуменский университет имени Епископа Константина Преславского




linguistic and culture, rhizome, concept, archetype, semantic reflex


The article discusses the possibility of describing semantic relations of words and their etymology on the example of the fragments that form a semantic field of precedent phenomenon Cain and linguistic-cultural concept of deceit through the rhizome. Rhizome is one of the ways of organization of complex systems, unstructured and nonlinear way, leaving open the possibility to realize their inner potential to self-configuring. The report illustrates that the rhizome serves as a model of unconscious mental processes, characterized by the absence of tree structure, and a model of semantic relations of words, their etymology and their semantic changes. The concept of rhizomes can be applied to the description of non-system differences, unable clearly opposed each to other by the presence or absence of any characteristic. By analogy with the process of interaction of abstract-logical and intuitive thinking linguistic rhizome is characterized with the flow of opposite structures.


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How to Cite

Чалыкова, Т. (2015). Rhizome as the principle of organization of precedent phenomena and linguistic and cultural concepts. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (11), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.18778/1731-8025.11.04