Implementation of Semantic Oppositions in the Poetic Discourse of Jeŭdakija Loś




semantic opposition, parallelism, comparison, juxtaposition, lexico-grammatical representatives


The purpose of this study is to analyse the lexical and grammatical means employed in the se­mantic oppositions of Jeŭdakija Loś’s poetry as the basis of parallelism with relations of comparison and opposition. The article deals with the linguistic representation of the semantic oppositions life death, light darkness, heat cold as basic universal categories in the discourse of the Belarusian poetess Jeŭdakija Loś. When exploring the research material, the scientific approaches of Roman Yakobson and Yuri Lotman were taken into account, who studied the role of various grammatical categories in the formation of meaning.

The relevance of the study lies in deepening the understanding of the communicative aspect of the poetic text as a dialogue between the author and the reader. The article shows the feature of decoding of meaning on the basis of not only lexical but also grammatical representatives. This makes it possible to expand the possibility of analysing poetry as an original language system in which words, interacting with each other, show combinatorial increments of meaning. As a result of this approach, the reader’s role in co-creation along with the poet becomes evident.

The functional-stylistic and structural-descriptive methods of analysis used in the study make it possible to characterize the role of linguistic means in modelling the poet’s style.

The conclusions of the article confirm the explication of the reader’s meaning through philo­sophical oppositions and their linguistic expression. The results of the study show the importance of further study of communicative style in creating a dialogue between the poet and the reader.


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How to Cite

Starastsenka, T. (2022). Implementation of Semantic Oppositions in the Poetic Discourse of Jeŭdakija Loś. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (21), 121–129.