Synaesthetic metaphors in Vladimir Nabokov’s prose


  • Anna Ginter Uniwersytet Łódzki



synaesthesia, synaesthetic metaphor


The present paper is devoted to synaesthetic metaphors in Nabokov’s oeuvre. The main attention is paid to the metaphors in which both the source and the target domains are perceptual. Numerous constructions of the analysed material show that although in some cases a perceptual mode is initially specified, the imagery is linguistically related in terms belonging to one or more differing perceptual modes.
Nabokov’s metaphoric expressions has been discussed in two groups: cross-modal sensory metaphors with the source domain of colour as well as the source domain of tactile perception. These constructions resemble synaesthesias (e.g., deep crimson softness, orange heat) even though, contrary to the neurodevelopmental synaesthesia, meanings of synaesthetic metaphors are generated through semantic processes. Interpretation of cross-modal sensory metaphors is determined by the context.


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How to Cite

Ginter, A. (2016). Synaesthetic metaphors in Vladimir Nabokov’s prose. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (12), 53–61.