Methodological mistakes in planning and teaching classes
mistake, foreign language teacher, teacher training, European standards, reflectionAbstract
This paper is not a simple enumeration of teachers’ mistakes although it discusses them often. Referring to the operational framework for teachers at various stages of the didactic process outlined in the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, we mainly focus on questions such as what teachers should do in specific – sometimes difficult – situations, what their roles or attitudes should be, what they should avoid, what they should pay special attention to, etc. The most typical drawbacks and shortcomings (as they are not countable or predictable) are presented in the context of negative consequences they cause as well as the remedies to be applied in order to prevent such anomalies in the future. A remedy that is often found effective in solving didactic issues we encounter in our daily work is a widely understood reflection on our own educational competencies and professional improvement.
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