Analysis of phonological control indicators in reference to the proposal contained in CEFR Companion Volume (2020)




phonological control, indicators, pronunciation, prosodic features


The first part of the article discusses the proposed description of phonological control which has been added and further developed in the updated version of CEFR Companion Volume (2020). In the first version of the document (CEFR 2001), phonological control was defined, but its development and impact on foreign language proficiency did not attract wider glottodidactic reflection. There was also a lack of indicators in relation to individual levels of language proficiency. This article proposes a Polish translation of the scale of phonological control proficiency set out in CEFR–CV, which consists of overall phonological control, sound articulation, and prosodic features. The second part of the article contains an analysis of these indicators and a polemic with the new proposal for describing phonological proficiency, with reference to psycholinguistic research and glottodidactic practice.


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2023-12-07 — Updated on 2024-02-16


How to Cite

Prizel-Kania, A. (2024). Analysis of phonological control indicators in reference to the proposal contained in CEFR Companion Volume (2020). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 30, 105–116. (Original work published December 7, 2023)