Ethnic Steteotypes in Contemporary Culture. Remarks after Reading the Book „About Poles And Slovenes – In the Circle of Language and Cultural Stereotypes” by Maria Wacławek and Maria Wtorkowska (Lublana 2022)




foreign language teaching, bilingualism, biculturalism, Slovenian language, stereotype


The aim of the review article is to critically analyze and evaluate the scientific monograph by Maria Wacławek and Maria Wtorkowska entitled: About Poles and Slovenes – in the circle of linguistic and cultural stereotypes, published in Slovenia in 2022. In the evaluation of the work, theoretical foundations, the scope and accuracy of the selection of literature on the subject and its topicality, functionality of research tools within the applied methodology, material basis and research reliability were taken into account. An element of the evaluation was also the structure of the work, division into chapters, insight into the topics taken, and the consistency of synthetic summaries. Taking into account the above criteria, it should be stated that the monograph fills a research gap on the map of national stereotypes and builds a significant cultural context for teaching Polish and Slovenian as foreign languages. Apart from the didactic value, the book is an example of linguistic work based on rich material and reliable methodological workshop.


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How to Cite

Pałuszyńska, E. (2022). Ethnic Steteotypes in Contemporary Culture. Remarks after Reading the Book „About Poles And Slovenes – In the Circle of Language and Cultural Stereotypes” by Maria Wacławek and Maria Wtorkowska (Lublana 2022). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 29, 369–375.

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