The Use of Journalistic Texts in Developing Communication Competences at the C2 Level. Elements of the Public Communication System




teaching Polish as a foreign language, communicative competence, discourse, public communication, media


The article is the second part of a cycle on the use of journalistic text in developing communication competence in receiving public messages at C2 level. The first part of the article presents the theory of public communication, the second part contains practical methodological proposals: text and exercises with answer keys. When interpreting media texts, the method of discourse analysis was used. Therefore, particular attention was paid to the situation, contexts of communication activities as well as norms, rules and strategies used by the participants. It was assumed that the elements of the public communication system are reflected in the macrostructure of texts from this sphere. It was established that an adequate interpretation of public texts and their accurate reception relies on the use of the following categories during the analysis: roles of system participants, control of the content of messages transmitted in the system, sources and paths of information inflow to the system, the nature of contacts and the type of contact between system members, tasks to be performed, rules, patterns and standards governing the participants’ behavior.


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How to Cite

Pałuszyńska , E. (2022). The Use of Journalistic Texts in Developing Communication Competences at the C2 Level. Elements of the Public Communication System. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 29, 149–161.

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