Translation as a Primary Didactic Tool in Translation Training. Preliminary Remarks


  • Kamil Szafraniec Uniwersytet im. Jana Gutenberga w Moguncji, Zakład Polonistyki, Wydział Translatoryki, Lingwistyki i Kulturoznawstwa (FTSK), An der Hochschule 2, 76726 Germersheim, Niemcy



methodology of foreign language teaching, translation studies, eaching Polish as a foreign language, translators´ training programs, CEFR


The aim of this article is to outline the problem of foreign language teaching in translation studies. The author postulates that translation should be an integral part of not only traditional translation classes, but also language courses. He argues that it is necessary to implement mediation activities, which include translation. Mediation holds an important place in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), yet its potential seems to be still underestimated. One of the teaching approaches that use multilingualism and mediation is the so-called plurilingual (integrated) approach, which aims at teaching plurilingual communicative competence (PCC) and thus supporting interlingual and intercultural communication. The last part of the article examines the classification of translation competencies proposed by the PACTE research group (2018).


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How to Cite

Szafraniec, K. (2022). Translation as a Primary Didactic Tool in Translation Training. Preliminary Remarks. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 29, 105–113.