The Topic of Ethnic Minorities in Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language – Theoretical Considerations and Survey Research
Polish as a foreign language, teaching Polish as a foreign language, teaching Polish culture, ethnic minoritiesAbstract
The aim of the article was to present the issue of ethnic minorities in Poland in the context of teaching Polish language and culture as foreign ones. The text describes the most important aspects related to such communities in Poland and reflects on the title issues during classes for foreigners who learn Polish. The work also contains theoretical findings situating the subject of ethnic minorities in the area of cultural geography. It also includes the results of a study on the knowledge of Polish language learners on the topic and their preferences concerning discussing minority issues during Polish language and Polish culture classes. The group of respondents included 91 participants of Polish language courses at the B2, C1 and C2 levels, and the presented data was obtained with the use of a survey consisting of questions mainly in the form of cafeteria-style checklist. Most of the respondents were able to name two or one ethnic minority, and expressed the willingness to explore the subject matter and include it in the curriculum of Polish language and Polish culture. The largest number of respondents declared their interest in monuments and tourist attractions related to the culture of ethnic minorities in Poland, which is included in the summary of the article and the proposals for practical use of the conclusions drawn from the described study. The theoretical analysis and interpretation of the survey results showed that the subject of ethnic minorities is an element of interest for foreigners learning about Polish society.
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