The influence of inland dunes on the formation of urban green areas on the example of selected cities in central Poland




inland dunes, city, green areas, urban natural system, central Poland


Green areas are important elements of the urban spatial structure. Some geomorphological forms had a great influence on the location and character of these areas, e.g. floodplains, peat bogs, steep slopes. Within the reach of many cities in the lowland part of Poland, there are numerous inland dunes, which are distinguished by their sandy structure, dryness of the ground and varied relief. The article presents the influence of inland dunes on the formation of green areas in cities. Inland dunes in the studied cities are covered mainly by pine forests. Depending on their location in the urban space, they perform various functions, e.g. for walking, rest or recreation. Dunes also affect the arrangement of green areas in cities. Most often they form a spot and wedge system. Pine forests in the dunes are not as biologically rich as deciduous vegetation shaped by man in city parks, but they are an important element of the urban natural system. They do not require intensive care treatments (economic aspect), including watering, which is very important in the period of climate change. Additionally, the vegetation is adapted to abiotic conditions, i.e. a specific ecosystem is developed. This is consistent with the pro-ecological trend of accepting and creating natural landscapes in the city, in order to increase the resilience of the urban environment and improve the quality of life of people and other species.


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How to Cite

Kobojek, E. (2023). The influence of inland dunes on the formation of urban green areas on the example of selected cities in central Poland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica, 37–48.


