The competitiveness of the Andean Community (CAN) in foreign trade of coffee and substitutes
foreign trade, competitiveness, coffee and substitutes, Andean Community, CANAbstract
The article assesses the competitiveness of the member countries of the Andean Community – CAN in foreign trade of coffee and its substitutes in 1995 and 2019.
The study was conducted using quantitative indicators of international competitive position: RCA, IPR, RTA, LFI. The study showed that in 1995, there was a strong comparative advantage in the foreign trade of coffee and its substitutes in all CAN countries, in particular Colombia (high RTA index: 17,92, high LFI index: 25,28). In 2019, Bolivia’s comparative advantage (low RTA index: –0,56) and Ecuador (low index RTA: –0,21) was lost. A downward trend was observed for each member of the community (decrease in RCA, RTA, LFI index, increase in IPR index).
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