The impact of the risk degree on the level of transfer prices for loans between related entities
income taxes, transfer pricing, loans, cost of debt, riskAbstract
Transfer pricing is one of the instruments that business entities can use to reduce tax burdens, and they are being used both in international trade and in transactions within one country. They can occur not only in sales transactions, but also in granting loans. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of the degree of risk borne by the lender on the price of the loan granted when determining the transfer price in the case of loans between related entities. The following hypothesis was examined: the degree of risk borne by the lender is a significant factor that affects the price of the loan granted and should be taken into account when determining the transfer price of loans between related entities. In the theoretical part, the scientific methods used are a critical literature review and an analysis of national legal acts and OECD guidelines. The empirical part presents the determination of the market level of loan prices based on a set of actually granted bank loans and statistical data of the National Bank of Poland, which was the subject of the transfer pricing documentation prepared by the authors. The study did not provide grounds to reject the hypothesis, so it was concluded that the degree of risk borne by the lender is an important factor that affects the price of the loan granted and should be taken into account when determining the transfer price of loans between related entities. The study showed that determining the market level of loan prices by simply comparing them with the prices of other debt financing, without taking into account the risk, is insufficient. This aspect, enriched with an empirical analysis of the impact of risk on debt capital prices, and the formulation of recommendations for the proper preparation of transfer pricing documentation for loan transactions, is the original contribution of the authors.
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