Market manipulation by disseminating false information: A contribution to the analysis on the basis of the capital market in Poland
information, manipulation, financial market, Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)Abstract
The aim of the article is to describe and present the basic characteristics of the phenomenon of market manipulation made by disseminating false information. In the first part of the study, based on a conceptual analysis of the literature on the subject, the idea and functions of information and manipulation on financial markets are shown from the financial and legal point of view. In the second part, on the basis of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s statistics, the importance of quality of information for the efficiency of financial markets is analyzed. The contribution to the analysis was conducted on a sample of the most important sources of announcements for investors: financial reports, analyses and recommendations, media reports and rumors. The examples of manipulations which took place between 2006 and 2017 in the capital market in Poland are also presented.
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