Efficiency of investments in shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange





efficiency of investment in shares, listed Ukrainian companies


The purpose of the article is to examine the efficiency of investments in the shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. To achieve this aim, the history of the presence of Ukrainian companies on WSE in the economic and geopolitical context was analyzed, along with the literature review conducted in terms of research on the efficiency of investments in these shares. Taking into account the premises derived from the literature review, the hypothesis adopted for the examination was as follows: “The efficiency of investments in the shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange is low”. The empirical study covered the quotations of 15 indices of the WSE, in particular WIG-Ukraine index, as well as 8 Ukrainian companies constituting this index, and 12 Polish and 1 Australian company operating in the same industries as the Ukrainian ones (food and mining). For all these instruments, the monthly rates of return realized in the years 2012–2021 were calculated, as well as the means of these rates of return, standard deviations, β coefficients and Sharpe and Treynor indices. Some of the results were consistent with the hypothesis (especially with regard to the WIG-Ukraine index), and the others were not, so it was decided to reject them. Therefore, it cannot be claimed that the efficiency of investments in the shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange is low. An additional result of the research was the finding of a significant discrepancy between the results for the WIG-Ukraine index and the results for the companies constituting it.


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How to Cite

Zimny, A. (2022). Efficiency of investments in shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (37), 22–53. https://doi.org/10.18778/2082-4440.37.02


