“I’m not leaving home and maybe I’ll wait it out somehow...”. Zdzisław Beksiński’s short stories in the context of Gaston Bachelard’s theory of the oneiric house
Zdzislaw Beksinski, Gaston Bachelard, oneiric house, oneirismAbstract
Known primarily for his painting, photography and computer graphics, Zdzisław Beksiński was, in fact, a total artist. Over the course of two years, from 1963 to 1965, he penned some three hundred typewritten pages, which served as the basis for the selection of short stories in 2015. Beksiński was very fond of his writing, but eventually decided to devote himself fully to painting in the hope of gaining his longed-for independence. In his literary attempts one can find a number of themes that recur time and again in the artist’s imagination. The most important include sleep, death and home. This article aims to look at the last of these on the basis of three short stories: “Na końcu ogrodu” [At the End of the Garden], “Informator” [The Informer] and “Wilki” [Wolves]. The myth of home in Beksiński’s short stories will be examined in the context of Gaston Bachelard’s theory of the oneiric house.
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