A corpus-based analysis of the verbs ernennen and 任命 (renming, English: to appoint) – a German-Chinese comparison based on foreign language teaching
valency realization, diathesis, language teaching, collocation, German, ChineseAbstract
Corpus linguistics can aid foreign language teaching and support vocabulary acquisition. With this assertion as a point of departure, this study is based on extracting sentences containing ernennen from the DWDS corpus, and those containing 任命 (renming) from the BCC corpus, in order to conduct a comparative analysis, mainly in terms of valency patterns. Although the two words each mean the same thing in their own language system, they differ noticeably at the parole level. In the Authors’ opinion, these differences can cause negative interference in the target language. The analysis of the valence realization of these verbs allows clear conclusions to be drawn for didactic uses of the examined material.
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