The Topos of the Old and the Youth in the Drama Pescatori by Raffaele Viviani in the Context of the World of Values of Ancient Culture


  • Marta Sterna Uniwersytet Łódzki



Neapolitan drama, Viviani, Pescatori, ancient culture, topos


The subject of reflection in this article are antique topoi, whose transmission and reception can be observed in contemporary Italian drama. This topic is discussed on the example of RaffaeleViv­iani’s play entitled Pescatori (Fishermen), in which you can distinguish the presence of two topoi: a young man and an old man. Moreover, the aim of the article is to look at these topoi in the context of the world of the value of ancient culture, the echo of which also seems to resonate in the song. Taking into account, however, that the issue of connections between the dramaturgy of the Neapol­itan writer and the specific elements of the Greek tragedy is an extremely broad problem, this study is merely a delineation of this subject and an indication for further directions of research.

Author Biography

Marta Sterna, Uniwersytet Łódzki

She is classical philologist, Hellenist; since 1993 associated with the Department of Classical Philology at University of Gdansk; associate professor (2013); the head of Department of Classical Philology (2015). Her research focuses on the Greek literature of the archaic and classical period, above all on the Homeric epics, on the Histories of Herodotus, and on the works of Xenophon. Selected publications: Homerycki język Herodota (Homeric Language of Herodotus), Gdańsk 2002; Słowo i gest. Herodotowa sztuka portretowania (Word and Gesture. Herodotus’ Art of Portrayal), Gdańsk 2010. Socratic Laughter in the Xenophon’s „Cyropaedia”. In: B. Burliga (ed.) Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond, Gdańsk 2011. Portret Herodota w traktacie De Herodoti „Malignitate” Plutarcha z Cheronei (Portrait of Herodotus in the treatise De Herodoti „Malignitate”of Plutarch of Cheronea, „Argument” 7/2, 2017.


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How to Cite

Sterna, M. (2018). The Topos of the Old and the Youth in the Drama Pescatori by Raffaele Viviani in the Context of the World of Values of Ancient Culture. Collectanea Philologica, (21), 127–141.


