Apostrophes to Waters – a New Insight into an Epigram-cycle in Martial’s Book 4 (18, 22 i 63)


  • Joanna Pieczonka Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych ul. Komuny Paryskiej 21, 50-451 Wrocław




Martial, epigrams, cycle, book 4


The article focuses on the Martial’s poems no. 18, 22 and 63 from the Book 4 of epigrams. These poems unite in a cycle of epigrams with a common motif of an apostrophe to water appear­ing in the last line of each epigram. Although this cycle has been previously disputed in an article by Mark A. P. Greenwood (‘Talking to Water’: An Epigram-Cycle in Martial, Book 4 (4.18; 4.22; 4.63), RhM 141 (1998), 367–372), the author finds it necessary to reassess the epigrams. As a result of these analyses the author discovers the links and the differences between the poems that have not been noted before. Furthermore the article presents the possible connections between the cycles and suggests that they form a complex structure, a whole web, inside the Book 4. Concluding, the author puts forward a hypothesis that perhaps this special arrangement of epigrams (complied with the principle of cohesion and variety) exceeds the boundaries of Book 4.

Author Biography

Joanna Pieczonka, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych ul. Komuny Paryskiej 21, 50-451 Wrocław

I was awarded with my MA degree in Classics in 2005 (thesis: Law and mos maiorum in Plautus’ Comedies) and then I continued to do a PhD on Reception of Roman Legal Thought in Plautine Comedies (dissertation in 2010). Afterwards I joined the Department of Latin in the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies in Wrocław, where currently I continue to work as an assistant professor. Meanwhile I finished MA studies in Law (thesis defended in 2004: The Legal Character of the Franchising Agreement). Main research areas: Roman comedy, Martial, Polish translations of the Plautine plays, Roman law.


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How to Cite

Pieczonka, J. (2018). Apostrophes to Waters – a New Insight into an Epigram-cycle in Martial’s Book 4 (18, 22 i 63). Collectanea Philologica, (21), 117–126. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-0319.21.08


