Levant et carmina curas – Therapeutic Value of Poetry in the IV Eclogue by Nemesianus





Umberto Eco, Prague Cemetery, Nemesianus’ Eclogue IV, poetry, therapy, suffering, intertextual collage


The article presents an episode related to the erroneous attribution of the phrase carmina non dant panem to Nemesianus, a Carthaginian poet living in the 3rd century AD, who did not enjoy the due authority among researchers. Later, Nemesianus’ Eclogue IV, which – as a literary space – is an example of an original intertextual collage, was analysed. The analysis of the last Eclogue written by Carthaginian poet shows how he weaved this work out of the poetic tradition concerning the truth about the transience of youthful beauty. Both the Latin sentence carmina dant panem, quoted in Umberto Eco’s novel, and versus intercalaris, quoted ten times in the Nemesianus’ Eclogue, make us think about the most desirable value that is expected from poetry, both from the point of view of the author and the recipient. Eclogue IV reveals the author’s melancholy poetic reverie about the transience of the things of this world, and also shows that the poet does not listen to his predecessors to speak in the same way as them, but he listens to their voices in order to better hear and articulate his own separate voice, as it were a tribute to poetry, which is therapy for the creator.


* Działania badawcze wsparte ze środków przyznanych w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości Badawczej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach.

Author Biography

Anna Kucz, Uniwersytet Śląski

Dr hab. Anna Kucz, prof. UŚ – Associate Professor in the Institute of Literary Studies at the University of Silesia in Poland. A member of the Roman Society and the Polish Philological Association. Her interests focus on Roman literature (especially in Late Antiquity) as well as on Mediterranean culture. Moreover, she analyses changes of culture and European thought, which occurred as a result of a clash of both classical and Christian civilisations. The author of numerous articles published in renowned periodicals and several books, e.g.: Dyskurs z Filozoą w “Consolatio Philosophiae” Boecjusza (The Discourse with Philosophy in Boethius’ “Consolatio Philosophiae”, Katowice 2005), Umbra veri. Arnobiusz i nurty lozofii klasycznej (Umbra veri. Arnobius and Trends of Classical Philosophy, Katowice 2012), Nemezjan w kręgu tradycji łowieckiej (with Edyta Gryksa, Katowice 2019), Visualizzazione nella poesia di Nemesiano (Kraków 2022). Currently she is carrying out a research on the works written by a Latin rhetor and apologist – Arnobius of Sicca Veneria and on the output of a Carthaginian poet – Nemesianus.


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How to Cite

Kucz, A. (2023). Levant et carmina curas – Therapeutic Value of Poetry in the IV Eclogue by Nemesianus. Collectanea Philologica, (26), 151–162. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-0319.26.13