New Contribution to the Knowledge on the Composition of control δ of the Dressel 20 Amphoras of the Monte Testaccio in the Antoninian Modification: The Endorsement in δ of the Number Written in the Position α
Roman amphora, Roman economy, Latin epigraphy, tituli picti, delta, Dressel 20Abstract
Within the complex system that once formed part of the epigraphic ensemble that accompanied these amphorae, we highlight the particular study of the painted marks known as tituli picti in the delta position of the olive oil amphorae from Baetica, Dressel 20. Here we address a singular fact, only detectable through the visualization of large data sets, indicating the existence of the endorsement in delta of the amount expressed in alpha throughout the years of the Antonine reform. If until now it was believed to be something fortuitous, or a scribeʼs error, now it could be considered, due to its structure and the cases exposed, a regulated script.
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