Description of the mid-19th century church and parish in Szadek


  • Piotr Szkutnik Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Katedra Historii Historiografii i Nauk Pomocniczych Historii, 90-219 Łódź, ul. Kamińskiego 27a. image/svg+xml



Szadek parish, real property, church property


The description consists of two documents depicting the state of real property, size of the area and the income of the parish in Szadek in 1858. These documents were drawn up under a decree of the government of the Polish Kingdom. The first of them describes the church and the buildings belonging to the parish. It lists in 19 points the real estate comprising the church property. Each description states the size of a building, its condition, material that it was built of and the value of insurance in case of fire. The second document describes the parish land in Szadek, Bobownia and Ogrodzim. It contains information about the size of each piece of land, its character, and type of land use (e.g. arable land, meadow, vegetable and fruit garden, waste land, road, water reservoir, built up area). The presented documents enrich our knowledge about the history of the Szadek parish, providing information on its possessions in the middle of the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Szkutnik, P. (2015). Description of the mid-19th century church and parish in Szadek. Biuletyn Szadkowski, 15, 69–87.


