Spatial development of Szadek in J. Goldberg’s ‘Studium historyczno-urbanistyczne’




Szadek, spatial development, J. Goldberg


Studium historyczno-urbanistyczne Szadku (Historical study of the development of Szadek), prepared by J. Goldberg in 1961, is a compendium of knowledge about the history of this town. It has not been published and exist in the form of typescript. The author, a distinguished Polish-Israeli historian, in the years 2010–2011 was a member of the editorial board of ‘Biuletyn Szadkowski’. Studium consists of six chapters, of which the first four deal with the history of Szadek from the Middle Ages to 19th century. The article highlights the second part of the study – two chapters and the related graphic material – concerned with the spatial development of the town.


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How to Cite

Marszał, T. (2021). Spatial development of Szadek in J. Goldberg’s ‘Studium historyczno-urbanistyczne’. Biuletyn Szadkowski, 21, 93–108.




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