Archaeology of Us and the Local Identity. An Interdisciplinary Context




archaeology of us, archaeology of the contemporary past, ethnoarchaeological research, interdisciplinary research, Polish Jurassic Highland


In this paper, the Author presents the semantic and methodological scope and characteristics of a new field the archaeology of the contemporary past. In his opinion the essence of the archaeology of the contemporary past is best conveyed by the term archaeology of us, which refers to the relationships between individuals or communities and their own material heritage. Due to the community and local dimension of archaeology of the contemporary past, an important source in this field is oral tradition, which is obtained and analysed during ethnographic interviews. The author refers to his own experience, gained during many years of research in the Polish Jurassic Highland, and indicates the importance and research effectiveness of incorporating the methodology of ethnographic research into the perspective of archaeology of the contemporary past.


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How to Cite

Ławrynowicz, O. (2019). Archaeology of Us and the Local Identity. An Interdisciplinary Context. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica, (34), 45–57.


