Active Forms of Recreation in the Magazine “Nasze Zdroje” (1910–1914)



Mots-clés :

recreation, rest, health resort, “Nasze Zdroje” (1910–1914)


The spa press at the beginning of the XXth century often raised issues related to tourism, sport and recreation. The columnists appreciated the importance of health and the educational potential of active forms of spending free time. Activity was given an institutionalized character. This paper presents the active forms of recreation recommended to Polish society through their presentation in the magazine “Nasze Zdroje” (1910–1914). Hence, the article indicates the active forms of recreation available in the resorts such as mountain climbing, sports tourism, and skiing, as well as discussing the content popularizing mountain trips. Tips were given on how to prepare for this type of expedition, often combined with visiting historical monuments. Summer camps, including therapeutic camps, for children and adolescents were discussed, and were strongly promoted. Proposed recreational activities in the open air (walking, playing, and games) were presented, taking into account the educational aspect: instilling healthy habits in young people and adults.

Biographie de l'auteur

Renata Bednarz-Grzybek, Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, Institute of Pedagogy, Department of Methodology of Pedagogical Sciences

Bednarz-Grzybek, Renata – pedagogue and historian, habilitated doctor, adjunct at the Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. She works at the Department of Methodology of Pedagogical Sciences at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. Research interests focus primarily on problems related to the history of education in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: education and upbringing of women, education of children and youths in the press, and health education.


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Comment citer

Bednarz-Grzybek, R. (2020). Active Forms of Recreation in the Magazine “Nasze Zdroje” (1910–1914). Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 11(2), 66–81.