Support Spaces. An Anthropological Approach to Selected Design Solutions in Support Institutions



Mots-clés :

proxemics, institution, support, homelessness, exclusion


The article presents conclusions from research on the space of support institutions. The authors use mainly the tools of cultural anthropology and proxemics. The authors used three examples known to them from their projects on homeless people and those endangered by other types of social exclusion: BSZMKI from Budapest, one of the Krakow St. Padre Pio Aid Centers and Gdansk House, located in the Dolne Młyny area. The authors show how these buildings are constructed, how places are created there with a special character, to what extent the idea of support, which every institution pursues by implementing a specific program, goals and missions, translates into spatial and aesthetic relations and what kind of ethics it produces. They also show the possibilities of anthropological and proxemic approach to decipher the “hidden curriculum” embodied by each institution, also in a spatial context. According to the authors, this kind of analysis of material data along with the interpretation of the rules of using the building and spatial order, which is observed inside the institution, may support reflection on the course of support offered in institutions run by specific organizations.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Inga B. Kuźma, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Centrum Innowacji Społecznych

Kuźma Inga B. – doctor habilitatus, Professor of the University of Lodz. Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (IEiAK) of the University of Lodz. She is also the manager of the Social Innovations Centre at the University of Lodz. Member of the Polish Ethnological Society (PTL). She is a co-founder of the Lodz inter-university Interdisciplinary Gender Seminar. She is active at the Commission of Civic Dialogue for residential policy in Lodz and coordinates the Lodz Partnership for Aid in Exclusion and Homelessness. She practices involved and interventional anthropology. She also conducts studies in cultural herstory.

Alicja Piotrowska, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Centrum Innowacji Społecznych

Piotrowska Alicja – doctor of humanities, administrative employee of the Centre of Social Innovations of the University of Lodz, member of the Polish Ethnological Society, and manager of the Centre of Ethnographic Documentation and Information of PTL. Her scientific interests focus on anthropology of the city, in particular on grass-roots transformation of post-industrial spaces and the right to the city, urban/city visuality, and issues related to cultures of resistance.


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Comment citer

Kuźma, I. B., & Piotrowska, A. (2020). Support Spaces. An Anthropological Approach to Selected Design Solutions in Support Institutions. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 9(2), 87–108.