The Specifics of Home Practice of Social Work in the Works of Alice Masaryková and Helena Radlińska



Mots-clés :

Alice Masaryková, Helena Radlińska, history, social work, social pedagogy


Cross-border cooperation has been considered an essential element in the development of professional social work and its education since its beginnings in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many social work pioneers promoted the principles of peace, war relief, human rights and international cooperation in dealing with social problems. In Central Europe, there was on the one hand an acceptance of diversity and different national traditions, and on the other hand a series of integration activities aimed at developing transnational common standards. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Alice Masaryková from Czechoslovakia and Helena Radlińska from Poland had been central figures in the professionalization of social work and social pedagogy in Central Europe. While Alice based social work mainly on sociology, Helena based it on social pedagogy.

The aim of this article is to identify and search for the specifics and diversity of historical development and subsequent international dissemination of ideas and practices of professional social work and social pedagogy through the figures of Alice Masaryková and Helena Radlińska.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Marie Špiláčková, University of Ostrava

Marie Špiláčková – habilitated doctor in the field of social work, associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ostrava. Her research interests concern: the theory and methodology of social work, historical research in social work and urban planning. She recently published Enterprise Social Policy as a Means of Development of Social Work (2020).

Veronika Mia Zegzulková, University of Ostrava

Veronika Mia Zegzulková – doctor of social work, assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ostrava. Her research interests concern: international and global aspects of social work, preschool education. As part of her pedagogical activity, she focuses mainly on preparing students to enter the field of social work practice.


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Comment citer

Špiláčková, M., & Zegzulková, V. M. (2022). The Specifics of Home Practice of Social Work in the Works of Alice Masaryková and Helena Radlińska. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 15(2), 220–235.