
Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka

Social pedagogue, Professor of the Humanities, D.H.C. of the University of Ostrava, Member of the Pedagogy Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2003–2011). From the beginning of her academic career, she has been associated with the University of Lodz:

  • 1991–1996: First Dean and organizer of the Faculty of Educational Sciences;
  • 1987–2019: Head of the oldest Department of Social Pedagogy in Poland;
  • Since 2014: Organizer and first Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne” (NOWIS).

Research interests:

  • reflection on the basis of social pedagogy in the field of practice;
  • training for social professions and action in the field of social/societal work;
  • epistemological and methodological issues of social comprehension as a discipline and orientation of social activity.

She is the author, co-author, editor, and co-editor of 37 books and over 120 scientific articles. She publishes in Polish, French, and English.

Recent publications:

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2016) Social Pedagogy and Social Work: An analysis of their Relationship from a Socio-pedagogical Perspective, “Sociální pedagogika / Social Education”, n° 4(1), pp. 13–24, https://doi.org/10.7441/soced.2016.04.01.01.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2017) Zygmunt Bauman: flux, changements et transformation de l’activité humaine dans la postmodernité, [in:] Encyclopédie d’analyse des activités, sous la direction, J.-M. Barbier, M. Durand, Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), Paris, pp. 397–402..

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2018) Transformations invisibles/silencieuses et champ du travail social, [in:] Représenter/transformer. Débats en analyse des activités, (dir.) J.-M. Barbier, M. Durand, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 183–202.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2019) Pedagogika społeczna. Pojmowanie aktywności w polu praktyki, Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, https://doi.org/10.18778/8142-557-5.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2019) The social pedagogy dimension of social work activity, [in:] The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Theory, eds. M. Payne, E. Reith-Hall, transl. M. Machcińska-Szczepaniak, London–New York, Routledge, pp. 282–293, ch. 24, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315211053-25.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2019) Wolfgang Welsch’s concept of transculturality: towards a transversal paradigm of social pedagogy, “Pedagogika Społeczna”, n° 3(73), pp. 61–73, https://doi.org/10.35464/1642-672X.PS.2019.3.06.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2020) Social Pedagogy. Comprehending activity in the field of practice, trans. M. Hinton, Beau Bassin, Lambert Academic Publishing.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2021) The transcultural and transversal dimension of European cooperation in constructing a vision of social professions and their activity in the field of social/societal work, transl. M. Hinton, [in:] F. W. Seibel, A. Schneider, A. Thimmel (Hg.), Soziale Arbeit-Begegnung mit Grenzen/ Social Work-The Encounter with Borders, Frankfurt/M, Wochenschau Verlang, pp. 111–125.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2021) Theoretical Anchoring, Values Building in Social Work Education: A socio – pedagogical perspective, [in:] J. Petrucijová, K. Glumbinková et al. Values Building Toolkit in Social Work, Ostrava, University of Ostrava / Faculty of Social Studies, pp. 8–18.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2024) Floriana Znanieckiego kategoria porządku – nieporządku w odczytaniu Lecha Witkowskiego a dyskurs pedagogii instytucjonalnych, „Chowanna”, n° 1–2, pp. 1–14, https://doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2023.60-61.02.

Marynowicz-Hetka E. (2024) O budowaniu książki w toku nieoczywistych spotkań, sytuacji-momentów, [in:] F. Jullien, Ponownie otworzyć możliwości: de-koincydencja i kolejne życie. Wybór tekstów, trans. & ed. E. Marynowicz-Hetka, Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp. 23–34.

Since 1989, Prof. Marynowicz-Hetka has been actively participating in the organization of the international academic movement in the field of educational sciences, educating in social professions, and research on activity in the field of practice.

Member of the following research associations:

  • 1995–1997: Vice President of the European Association of Schools of Social Work (1989–1995: Board Member of the association);
  • 2003–2015: Co-Founder and Board Member of the Association Internationale Francophone des Interventions Auprès des Familles Séparées (AIFI) in Montreal;
  • 2006–2016: Organizer and First President of the European Resource Centre for Social Work Research in Paris; Centre Europèen de ressources pour la recherche en travail social (CERTS);
  • 2005–2016: Board Member in the European Centre Community Education (ECCE) in Koblenz;
  • 2009–2018: Presidium Member in Institut Européen de Recherche sur la Formation et l’ Analyse de l’ Activité – a network of 28 universities from Europe, South America and North America, created by Conservatoire National des Arts et de Métiers in Paris;
  • 2013–2019: Foreign Member of the Scientific Council of the UNESCO Chair – Formation et Pratiques Professionnelles, Conservatoire National des Arts et de Métiers in Paris;
  • Since 2010: Foreign Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Social Studies at the University of Ostrava (Fakulta sociálních studií Ostravské univerzity, Czech Republic);
  • Since 2001: Foreign Member of the Doctoral Studies Council at the Faculty of Social Studies at the University of Ostrava (Fakulta sociálních studií Ostravské univerzity. Czech Republic);
  • Visiting Professor, invited to give lectures at, among others: Université Lumière Lyon 2, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, Université Paris 5 Descartes Sorbonne (France); HENAC w Namur (Belgium); University of Barcelona (Spain); University of Prešov (Slovakia); Masaryk University in Brno, University of Ostrava (Czech Republic).

Editorial, review, and translation experience:

  • 1993–2008: Chair of the Editorial Board for the “Biblioteka Pracownika Socjalnego” series published by the Scientific Publishing House “Śląsk.” 53 books were published in this series;
  • 1999–2006: Member of the Editorial Board for the journal “Chemins de Formation”, Université de Nantes, France;
  • 2005–2020: Member of the Editorial Committee for the journal “Revue scientifique de l'AIFI”, Montreal, Canada, published by Brylant, Ed. Yvon Blais;
  • Since 2020: Member of the Scientific Board for the journal “Pronesis”, published in Montreal;
  • Translation into Polish and preparation of works by distinguished French researchers (J.-M. Barbier 2016; F. Jullien 2024).

Collaboration in international research teams (EU projects) and in national social associations, including:

  • organization of a network of researchers, educators, and social work practitioners, and the establishment of the Polish Association of Social Work Schools, serving as president from 1991 to 2011;
  • since 1987: Contribution to the development of the Lodz Scientific Society;
  • since 2003: Reviewer for research projects submitted to the Agency for Support of Research and Development, Slovak Republic;
  • external expert in international projects (recent projects include: 2021 Values Building in Social Work Education, coordinated by the University of Ostrava / Faculty of Social Studies [J. Petrucijová, K. Glumbinková]; 2019–2023 Se préparer à l’action, coordinated by the UNESCO Chair-ICP Professional Training, Personal Development, Social Transformations in Paris [J.-M. Barbier, M. Dutoit]);
  • reviewer and member of committees in doctoral, habilitation, and professorial proceedings at foreign universities (recently: 2018 – Université de Montpellier, France; 2018 and 2020 – Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University; 2019 – Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris; 2022 – Faculty of Social Studies, University of Ostrava);
  • reviewer in institutional evaluations of scientific resources for training in social professions: Masaryk University in Brno, Charles University in Prague.