Master “Whatever”: “I do not want to be a scientific supervisor!” The Thing about Reforms of Higher Education in Poland




Master, professional role, reform of science and higher education, PhD students


The article is an attempt to capture the changes taking place in the “essential system” of the Master/scientific supervisor. Higher education reforms introduced in Poland in the last fifteen years have contributed to the reconstruction of this role. Before our very eyes, there is a change not only in the institution, but in the whole social/professional group dealing with science and higher education. The statement referred to in the title is the modality of this process, the result of reflections made by students, an attempt to put their lives into new realities. Sensitizing categories, in the hermeneutic attempt to understand the changes taking place, are the “professional role” and “any” related to the role of the Master who is weakly present in the scientific and journalistic discourses. I ask questions about the reasons for and consequences of the processes taking place, and in trying to understand them, I refer to statutory regulations and theoretical inspirations.

Author Biography

Ryszarda Cierzniewska, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Cierzniewska Ryszarda – assistant professor at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. She has published six monographs and many articles which focus on her research interest: teachers and the everyday functioning of contemporary schools, the academic community of pedagogues in Poland, and higher education reforms and their consequences for the academic community.



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How to Cite

Cierzniewska, R. (2019). Master “Whatever”: “I do not want to be a scientific supervisor!” The Thing about Reforms of Higher Education in Poland. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 8(1), 90–108.