Review: „The Nature of Human Creativity”, edited by Robert J. Sternberg and James C. Kaufman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018


  • Krzysztof Szmidt Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Katedra Edukacji Artystycznej i Pedagogiki Twórczości



A review of the latest collective work edited by R. J. Sternberg and J. C. Kaufman, in which the invited authors report on their own research path and assess the state of development of the creativity-related sciences (creatology).

Author Biography

Krzysztof Szmidt, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Katedra Edukacji Artystycznej i Pedagogiki Twórczości

Professor of social sciences, social and creativity educator, Head of the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz. Author of many books and scientific articles in the field of pedagogy of creativity, including the first in Poland academic handbook Pedagogy of creativity (GWP 2007, II edition – 2013). Research interests: educational factors of creativity development, teaching creativity, cultural and artistic education, socio-cultural animation and methodology of pedagogical research. The originator of a new didactic form – a creativity lesson and a supervisor in the creativity training of the Polish Association of Creativity.



How to Cite

Szmidt, K. (2019). Review: „The Nature of Human Creativity”, edited by Robert J. Sternberg and James C. Kaufman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 7(2), 256–259.