Competence of planning educational process in pre-service teacher training


  • Zdenka Gadušová Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
  • L’ubica Predanocyová



teacher, competence, planning the educational process, pre-service studies


Currently, the Slovak system of education requires an increase in its quality, which is influenced by quality of teacher training. Pre-service education of teachers must respond to current requirements concerning their professional competences. Management and planning of education are one of the fundamental teaching skills for teacher’s successful integration in school. The issue is a part of a research project Assessmentof Teacher’s Competences (APVV-14-0446). Planning is an initial activity and a part of the management of educational work. It is a complicated process that a teacher implements at several levels. The paper focuses on the analysis of the nature and components of the competence to plan the teaching process. It presents the results of empirical research carried out with students at the master’s level of their studies at the Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. The need for high-quality pre-service education of teachers requires strengthening their educational needs at the cognitive level. The theoretical aspect and knowledge of the nature and importance of the analyzed competence requires a direct link with practical training of students. The formation and development of future teacher’s professionalism assumes development of their teaching skills which are supported by various modules of teaching experience during their University studies. In the context of developing the competence to plan the teaching process, the ability to create a model lesson is considered to be the basic teaching skill based on the ability of the relevant choice of subject matter, teaching and learning activities to ensure achievement of the set goals by students.

Author Biographies

Zdenka Gadušová, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

Ph.D., an experienced university manager, project coordinator, researcher, and teacher trainer in the field of methodology of teaching foreign languages. She is the author of 5 monographs and a number of articles as well as a regular presenter of her research results at conferences and other events.

L’ubica Predanocyová

Associated Professor, Ph.D., university teacher, researcher and teacher trainer in the field of methodology of teaching philosophy and civic education. She is the author of 4 monographs and a number of articles, regular presenter of her research results at conferences and other scientific and special events.


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How to Cite

Gadušová, Z., & Predanocyová, L. (2018). Competence of planning educational process in pre-service teacher training. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 6(1), 161–179.