The selective function of the South African system of education in the Apartheid Era (1948–1994)


  • Tomasz Gmerek Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Zakład Edukacji Wielokulturowej i Badań nad Nierównościami Społecznymi



South Africa, education, racism, social closure, apartheid, segregation, discrimination, inequality


The article is an analysis of the selective function of education in South Africa during the apartheid period (1948–1994). It contains considerations regarding racial segregation practices and the role of education in reconstructing social diversity in South African education. The analyzes are based on theoretical concepts of social closure. They refer to selection practices and discrimination phenomena present in the consecutive stages of the development of the education system in South Africa.

Author Biography

Tomasz Gmerek, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Zakład Edukacji Wielokulturowej i Badań nad Nierównościami Społecznymi

Doctor Habilitatus, Professor of the Adam Mickiewicz University – an employee of the Faculty of Educational Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. His research interests concentrate on problems related to educational sociology and comparative pedagogy. Recently, he published, inter alia: Edukacja i tożsamość etniczna mniejszości w obszarach podbiegunowych (studium socjopedagogiczne) (Poznan 2013), Polityka apartheidu w szkolnictwie RPA. Geneza,rozwój i konsekwencje (Poznan 2017).


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How to Cite

Gmerek, T. (2018). The selective function of the South African system of education in the Apartheid Era (1948–1994). Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 6(1), 89–114.