Call for papers
Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies (NOWIS) 2024/2(19)
Research on the family in a biographical perspective
Scientific Editors: Arkadiusz Wąsiński, Justyna Sztobryn-Bochomulska
We invite you to develop scientific articles within a broad, interdisciplinary thematic formula, focused on contemporary aspects of recognizing the importance of the family in human life, the quality of its functioning in the light of increasingly clear challenges perceived against the background of dynamic social and cultural changes in Poland and in the world.
The starting point for the discussion is the concept of the family as a space integrating intra-family and extra-family processes which, by interfering with each other, transform into a broad, but internally coherent stream of influences that are essential for the formation of a human being. The family perceived this way is, in a sense, a buffer space, filtering external influences and integrating them with internal influences, creating conditions conducive to awakening, developing and directing the development and self-creation of its members. The family can then be considered in the light of the possibility of co-creating a community, identified with opening up to the difference of others, which "does not threaten, does not intimidate, does not provoke escape", but is conducive to achieving existential fullness by its members.
Considering the outlined issues in the intra-family context, the importance of domestic, marital and individual biography is revealed as a communal and personal reflection on the important manifestations of family life. The biographical perspective combined with the special and unique micro-world of everyday life is kind of a meta-biography jointly constructed, experienced and consolidated by all members of the family, from which they draw conclusions in the individual reconstruction of the structures of their own biographies.
We invite you to co-create the next issue of the magazine. The deadline for submitting the manuscript on the Index Copernicus platform is January 31, 2024.
Please send any questions to the address of the NOWIS Editorial Office: