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Cross-border restructurings in light of the real estate clause and the obligations of the real estate company as a tax remitter




capital gain, real estate clause, real estate company, restructuring, merger, demerger, liquidation


The tax consequences of restructurings raise doubts mainly due to the fact that multiple entities participate in such processes and the role of these entities differ. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the classification of potential revenue received as a result of the referenced restructuring activities as “gains from the transfer of assets” in light of the standopint represented by tax authorities and administrative courts. Moreover, the above issue will be also considered in the light of the real estate company’s obligations as a tax remitter.


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Author Biography

Robert Łopatek

Uczestnik prawniczego seminarium doktorskiego prowadzonego przez Polską Akademię Nauk oraz doradca podatkowy.


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How to Cite

Łopatek, R. (2024). Cross-border restructurings in light of the real estate clause and the obligations of the real estate company as a tax remitter. Tax Law Quarterly, (1), 83–96.




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