Fiscal crime and fiscal offense of the companying disguising (art. 55 Fiscal Criminal Code) – in the context of statutory features
company’s disguise, delict of the companying disguising, polish criminal fiscal law, fiscal offense, fiscal crimeAbstract
The prohibited act of the companying disguising included in the provisions of the Fiscal Criminal Code takes two forms: a fiscal crime (art. 55 § 1 and 2 of the Fiscal Criminal Code) and a fiscal offense (art. 55 § 3 of the Fiscal Criminal Code). In the doctrine exist a view, that the essence of the companying disguising is to conduct business in a camouflaged manner or to hide its actual size with the use of a substituted entity, which exposes the tax to depletion (F. Prusak); the perpetrator realizing the delict defined in art. 55 of the Fiscal Criminal Code, uses the name or surname, name or company name of another entity, exposing the tax to depletion. The subject in the discussed prohibited act in question is the financial interest of the State Treasury, local government units – fiscal interest of the state – and European Union (individual subject of protection), and secondarily as a secondary subject of protection, registration order of entrepreneurs; what can also be derived from the context of views expressed in the literature of the subject. The „main” perpetrator („firmant”), i.e. the perpetrator defined in art. 55 § 1 of the Fiscal Criminal Code, could be only a taxpayer running a business, specified in art. 3 point 9 of the tax ordinance, which is also accentuated in the doctrine and judicature. The fiscal crime or offense in question is individual in nature, it may be committed only intentionally, in the form of an action (on the side of the „firmant”), with a direct intention. On the consideration is given the postulate, that in the case of a lesser importance if the amount of tax exposed to depletion is small value, the art. 55 § 1 of the Fiscal Criminal Code was classified as a fiscal offence.
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- 2023-11-23 (2)
- 2023-09-30 (1)
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